Can Chickens Eat Uncooked Rice?

Approximately 21 different types of grains exist, and rice is one of the most widely consumed grains in the world. Interestingly, while some people dislike certain grains, chickens can eat all types of grains.

Now, the question arises whether uncooked rice is safe for chickens to eat. The short answer is that chickens can eat rice regardless of whether it is cooked or uncooked.

Generally, raw rice contains more nutrients than cooked rice because cooking can cause some nutrients to be lost through evaporation.

However, raw rice is considered a healthy and enjoyable treat for chickens, according to many chicken owners. I also raise chickens at home, and my chickens eagerly eat raw rice.

So, you can feed your chickens raw or uncooked rice without any side effects, but in limited quantities.

If you would like to know more about uncooked rice’s benefits and side effects and how much feed to chickens, please take a look at the remaining part of the guide.

rice and chicken

Can Chickens Eat Uncooked Rice?

I believe chickens eat a variety of grains, including rice. Rice is widely available across the world and is a favorite treat for many birds.

However, many chicken owners claim that raw rice is not safe for chickens because it can cause digestive issues. This claim holds some truth, as consuming too much raw rice can indeed make chickens sick and lead to digestive upset.

Chickens, with their small digestive systems, can digest various grains such as wheat, oats, barley, rice, rye, corn, and millet.

They have the capability to break down raw grains and extract nutrients from them. In contrast, humans can’t eat raw grains because our digestive systems can’t handle them well.

Rice is also a great addition to a chicken’s diet. Chickens rarely refuse treats, whether they consist of vegetables, fruits, bakery items, or grains.

Like humans, chickens need a variety of vitamins and nutrients to stay healthy. That’s why many owners prefer to feed various treats to their chickens to avoid them from vets.

Does Uncooked Rice Provide any Nutrients to Chickens?

Raw rice nutrients

Usually, all grains are loaded with nutrients and vitamins that a chicken’s body needs. Uncooked rice contains calories, fat, sodium, protein, carbohydrates, iron, and potassium.

The amount of each per 200 grams is given in the table below.


Amount Per 200 g


1 g


1.6 mg


2 mg




13 g


152 mg


158 g

Now, our concern is whether these nutrients are safe and healthy for chickens. The short answer is that all the above nutrients and vitamins are safe and healthy for chickens if fed in moderation.

Here are some key points regarding the nutritional value of uncooked rice for chickens:

  1. Carbohydrates: Uncooked rice contains 57% carbohydrates, providing a good energy source for chickens.
  2. Protein: Although raw rice is low in proteins, a small amount of proteins is essential for muscle growth in chickens.
  3. Fiber: Generally, brown rice is rich in fiber, but raw rice contains less fiber. However, this small amount of fiber is good for digestion.
  4. Vitamins: Uncooked rice contains vitamins such as A, C, K, E, and vitamin D.
  5. Low Fat: Uncooked rice is low in fat which is a good sign for chicken health.

So, after analyzing these vitamins and nutrients, it is safe to say that rice is a delicious treat for chickens, regardless of whether it is raw or cooked, white or brown.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Raw Rice?

cooked rice and baby chicken

Feeding uncooked rice to baby chickens is not recommended. Baby chickens have small digestive systems that can only digest feed specially made for them.

Raw rice is difficult to digest and can cause blockages in their stomachs if fed to chicks.

Generally, all treats are safe for chickens that are three months old. If your chickens are less than two months old, don’t feed them any treats, whether they consist of fruits or vegetables.

Can Baby Chickens Eat Cooked Rice?

If your baby chickens are less than 2 months old, don’t feed them any treats other than their chicken feed. Baby chickens are very sensitive to treats, so it is best to avoid giving them rice.

One month ago, when my chickens were three months old, I put a plate of cooked rice in front of them. All of them ate the rice without any problem.

However, next day, one of my chickens became sick with digestive upset. I touched its gizzard, and it was full of undigested rice.

Fortunately, within 24 hours, the undigested rice was digested, and the chicken became a bit healthier.

So, the point is that some chickens can safely eat rice, while others can face difficulty digesting rice properly.

Best way to feed rice to chickens:

Rice can be given to chickens in two ways. One method is to cook the rice before serving it to them, and the other is to place a plate of raw rice in front of the chickens.

If you prefer uncooked rice, there is no need to wash it. If you prefer cooked rice, make sure no oil or salt is used. Although salt is not inherently harmful to chickens, it can cause digestive issues when present in rice.

Here are some best practices for feeding rice to chickens:

Cooked Rice:

  • Preparation: Cook the rice without any salt, spices, or oils. Generally, cooked rice is easier for chickens to digest than raw rice.
  • Quantity: Offer cooked rice in small amounts, like 1 cup for one chicken.
  • Frequency: Feed cooked rice as an occasional treat, like once or twice a week.

Uncooked Rice

  • Moderation: If you prefer to feed uncooked rice, moderation is compulsory.
  • Mixing: Mix the uncooked rice with other grains like millet. In this way, chickens will prefer to eat it if they refuse raw rice.
  • Observe: Monitor your chicken’s behavior after feeding them rice because some chickens can’t digest raw rice.



Will uncooked rice harm chickens?

The answer is yes & no because if you feed too much raw rice, it will cause harm, otherwise not. Chickens can safely digest uncooked rice if they eat it in moderation.

Is uncooked rice nutritious for chickens?

Rice provides all the nutrients and vitamins that chickens need to stay healthy. Rice is a good source of calories, protein, and carbohydrates. So, adding rice to a chicken diet is a good decision.

Should I feed my chickens white or brown rice?

Usually, both white and brown rice are safe for chickens to eat. However, brown rice contains more vitamins and minerals compared to white rice. Both white and brown rice should be fed in moderation, not freely.

Can feeding uncooked rice attract pests?

Usually, chickens are known as scavengers. They typically clean their eating area when food is limited. So, provide any treats in limited quantity as your chickens can consume easily.

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